Sarajevo. Interkulturalnost i međureligijski dijalog.
Borzić, Marin; Kaurinović, Tereza; Kuluz, Nora; Grbić Jakopović, Jadranka; Zorić, Snježana (eds.). Zadar: Studentska etnografija, 2011
This book is the result of field research conducted with a group of students of the Department of Anthropology (University of Zadar, Croatia) in Sarajevo in 2009. Four students participated in the project that focused on the complex political, cultural and national situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Methodologically we based our perspectives on the paradigms of intercultural philosophy and interreligious dialogue, while each participant chose one specific topic to work on. Our guest author was Jadranka Grbić Jakopović from the University of Zagreb with a historical study on Franciscan influences in the province of Bosna Srebrena from the second half of the 18th century until the beginning of the 20th century.
Nora Kuluz and Tea Kaurinović wrote about the activities of the Pontanima choire whose mission is to bring healing to people after their traumatic experiences during war and create a dialogue between the four different religions in Bosnia (Catholic, Orthodox, Muslim and Jewish). Marin Borzić wrote about the status of women in Islam and the radical changes that took place in their lives after the war in 1991. Snježana Zorić thematized the problem of the field itself as well as interculturality and interreligious dialogue in her text Slučaj(no)- From Bagdad cafe to the „Spite“ house.